Monday, January 24, 2011

The Truth.

This poster is The Truth, capitol "T" isn't it?  I especially love the detail of the little waving person in the middle, or is that a drowning ship?  Regardless, there I usually am, sinking into the watery oblivion, desperate to finish homework, but helpless to get out of the triangle.  Since I don't Twitter, that vertex on the triangle would simply be "blogs" or maybe some pointless celebrity website.  What about you?  What is your Bermuda Triangle? (My husband's is imdb & wikipedia!)

{photo via pinterest}

1 comment:

Patty said...

That's pretty much it, except I don't use gmail. I do limit myself, usually, to when I get up in the morning, which tends to be very early and dark. Once it is daylight, my rules require me to do other "useful" things, until night-time, when I trade wasting time by computer for wasting time by TV.

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