Thursday, May 26, 2011

Little Bee.

Somewhere, behind all the classes, readings, quizzes... Behind Beowulf, creative writing workshops, dinners and dog walks, is a tiny thought, buzzing around in the back of my brain like a little bee.

We've gotta move.

And today I wanna swat that bee with a rolled up newspaper.

{I think I'll embrace the bee once we find a place to live in Augusta...but now we're still looking, and it is still buzzing...}

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Salad Pride.

Ya'll, get excited.  

Fate and fortune has brought me to the ultimate website.  Honestly, I can't think of a greater gift from the internet to humankind than a blog that posts a new, vividly creative salad recipe every day of the year.  That, to me, is the leafy holy grail.  May I excitedly introduce:

Are you so excited?  If your taste buds line up with mine, then here are a few you might like. And I just realized that I've used some form of the word "excite" several times in few sentences.  Sorry for the bad English.  Not sorry for the excitement ;) 

Black Lentils, Artichokes Hearts and Lettuce

Strawberries, Parmesan cheese and Couscous

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On Your Way.

Man, oh man.  I'm guessing that you guys are as tired of hearing me talk about school as I am with writing about it, so I will spare you!  (For those of you who may be confused, I have a May-mester and then...fin.)

Anyway, I have some news, which, though school related, is pretty exciting: John has been accepted to the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.  He's gonna be a Doctor!  We're going to move (!?) and I'm exceptionally proud of him!  Phew.  That was a big announcement.

In fact, I don't think I can follow it up with anything.  This is all I've got, and it seems inadequate:

and this, though a touch cheesy, which is kind of inspiring...

Well, you get the idea, at least.  Which is, HOORAY JOHN!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sweet Relief.

Just took my last exam!  Wahooooooooooo!

Monday, May 9, 2011

One More...

One more exam and then...


I wish I could say that I'm finished after this exam, but I'm oh-so-close.  Two more classes in May, and then I really will be finished! I can't believe it was only 1 year ago that I wanted to go back.  I can't believe that by the time June is here, I will have my degree.  That's 20 classes, 63 hours, 5 semesters, and lots of sweat and tears. I've worked hard!  

Yet I know there are people out there who have done it under much more difficult circumstances.  Maybe as moms, or single moms... and I must say that is amazing.  I lift my hat to you!  

Nothing feels better than accomplishing a personal goal.  Or at least, that's what I suspect.  I'll know soon enough.

{photos via pinterest}

{Also, hope you gave your mama's a lot of love yesterday!  They deserve it!}

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Oh, Sam Taylor-Wood.  You just get it.  I love your Self Portraits, primarily because I wish this was me in the photo, feeling completely weightless.  Don't you guys wish for a day when you're so carefree you could float?  These portraits, to me, just say aaaaaahhhhhhh, and not in a dentist-chair kind of way, obviously, but in an I'm not stressed about anything at all kind of way.  ;)

{Interesting note: Sam Taylor-Wood battled cancer, twice, and survived.  I think it is a fitting self-portrait.}

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beautiful You.

We all need a confidence booster from time to time.  Or, if you're needy like me, on a daily basis.  I bought this book today, thinking it would be such a nice, refreshing read.  What can I say?  I'm notoriously hard on myself.  And I still get in 7th grade mode and mentally compare myself to everyone. Anyway, I'm not calling this book a cure-all, but it seems to be filled with little exercises that bring about self-acceptance.  That sounds nice.  I'm sure John would appreciate it if I stopped moaning and groaning about zits, winter flab, split ends, pasty skin and tight jeans.  

Product description here:

In Beautiful You author Rosie Molinary passionately encourages women—whatever their size, shape, or color—to work toward feeling wonderful about themselves despite today’s media-saturated culture. Drawing on self-awareness, creativity, and mind-body connections, Molinary incorporates practical techniques into a 365-day action plan that empowers women to regain a healthy self-image, shore up self-confidence, reframe and break undermining habits of self-criticism, and champion their own emotional and physical well-being. Through accessible, doable daily actions, women and girls learn to manifest a healthy outlook on life—teaching them to live large, and starting them on the path to learning to love themselves and others. Molinary steers clear of the florid affirmations and daily meditations often utilized by books geared toward personal growth, instead delivering a hip, modern guide of inspirational thought and action that keeps pace with the times. A practical, candid, and accessible handbook, Beautiful You strikes a chord with every woman who has ever faltered in her self-confidence or lost her personal brilliance—and it makes sure she never lets it happen again.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I Need A Laundry Angel.

I wish there was a laundry-angel who would fly down and beautify my hideous laundry-room-dungeon (and then maybe fold some fitted sheets, too).  Because, well, I am terrified to go in there right now.  Let's just say that John found a creature that rhymes with "CAT" in our laundry room, nibbling on Mable's dog food in the wee hours of the morning.  So now the clothes are piling up and the exterminator is not answering his phone.  

In the meantime, though I would take anything over the dark and scary "laundry room" I have right now,  here are a few ideas...

Happy Monday.

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